A Nice Slice of Humble Pie

Hey there, Dear Sisters! It's the Monday after Valentine's Day, and I am feeling relaxed, refreshed, and loved! ;)

I know I have been quiet on here lately, except for Wedding Wednesday posts, and at first the reason was to simply be led by the Holy Spirit as far as what and when to post here. However, January and the beginning of February saw this little lady in a funky mood often times than not. Between moving, relationship changes, hitting financial obstacles, and just the cares of being an adult and wife, I lost focus.

But thank God for the Holy Spirit and His unrelenting ways to get a girl's attention! Yesterday, my pastor preached a sermon entitled "What Does God Want a From Me?" that pretty much wrecked me to the core... in a good way. It was like a giant mirror was plopped right in front of me!

I saw that I had took my focus off of God, and put it on me and my circumstances, which left my light dim and my faith weak. I started this year with a desired to be more intentional about my walk with Christ and to have pure motives. Instead I got distracted and  I made it about me. Even in my quiet times with God, I went on and on about my problems and how I wish God would just fix the issues. I was bitter. And selfish.

Instead of focusing on being in a season longer than I have expected, I should have been glad that I am being pruned and matured in my faith. Instead of growing a bitter heart toward that friend, I should have just accepted the apology I may never get and walk in forgiveness and love. Instead of looking for a "thank you" or human acknowledgement, I should have just focused on working unto the Lord. Simply put, I should have just been joyously motivated to just bring glory to my Savior.

So here I am enjoying this nice slice of humble pie. And I am so grateful for it! I want to get back to what I wrote at the beginning of this year. I want to be that servant that goes where God tells me to go, to do what He tells me to do, and to do it with a cheerful heart. I want to be led by gratefulness and humility, not pride. I want to want people to not look at me, but to look at Him. I love you, Dear Sisters, but one day you all and the rest of this world will fade, and I will be standing before our King. I want the approval and applause of One. His reward is way more valuable than anything this world can offer.


Two Months Later


Wedding Wednesday: Wedding Day!