No Filter

Hey ya'll! How was your weekend? Did you spend time with your fathers? Did you soak up some sun? As for me, I feel refreshed from taking a couple of days off with my hubby. It was amazing to just spend time with one another and really enjoying each other's company. It was amazing to have great conversation about our feelings, hopes and dreams about the future, and just plain ol' cutting up with each other! And all of that was possible because we were intentional about not being so plugged into the world this weekend. It seriously made a difference to back away from our phones and stay off of social media for a couple of days. I know I really needed it.

Unlike Toby, I struggle with social media. Don't get me wrong, it's a great tool and has so many advantages. But as I've said before, I have an issue with comparison and contentment on these things and I have to really guard my heart. Not only do I want to guard my own heart, but I don't ever want to contribute to others feeling "less than" because of what I put on social media. I know that I can't control others' feelings, but I can do my best to not contribute to someone envying my life and what I have. I'm always going to be encouraging and positive and show the good of the world, especially since we are inundated constantly with bad news. But I also want to make sure that people realize that I go through real life just like every other person you follow on social media.

I want to do away with and encourage others to not hide behind the filters of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Be real! Does that mean that I just put my business all out there? Heck no! But I think it's okay to have a pic with a messy room in the background. It's okay to put a post about how God just brought you out of a situation that you didn't know you would make it out of. It's okay to encourage those who have a bit of trouble in their relationships by saying "hey, I've been there before and God is gonna work it out." Heck, it's okay to take a selfie without makeup on!

We have to remember that (most) people put their best out there on social media and you don't see all of the story. That couple you saw that just that amazing weekend getaway just went a couple counties over to a hotel because that was all they could afford. That girl that has all the best high quality designer clothes snagged all of those for a deal at the Goodwill. That man with that ridiculous six pack was so overweight that his life was in jeopardy last year, but he worked his butt off through exercise and prayer to be where he is today. We literally only see a snapshot of these people lives, and those snapshots can be deceiving, whether it's intentional or not.

So let's stop the comparison madness that can be social media. Let's not let these platforms make us feel less than (or even better than) those we follow, like, or friend. How? Well, I am learning the answer to that day by day, and all I've got so far is a) it's okay to unfollow someone on social media if it causes your heart to stumble or make you feel some type of way, and b) be honest with yourself about your intentions for why you post what you post: is it to brag on yoursel or Jesus? Is it to encourage? Is it to inspire? Is it to show positivity?

I love what my new friend Gema is doing over at Belovedgems with her GLOW movement this month: we are encouraged to show and be God's Light Over the World in our daily lives and to encourage others to do the same. We can simply start with our social media accounts. If you want to see what encouraging, inspiring, GLOW inspired accounts look like, some of my favorite people I follow are Gretchen Saffles of Life Lived Beautifully, She Reads Truth, and Lara Casey.

If you need to make changes in your social media habits, what are they? How are you sharing God's light on your account(s)?

And don't forget about our LIVE chat tonight at 8 p.m. EST on Persicope! You can find me at Tiffany King on there or click the link on Twitter when the link goes live. Again, you can ask me anything! I want to be transparent with you guys! See ya'll tonight!

Give Me Jesus


6 Things I've Learned in 6 Months of Marriage + Announcement