Seasonal Rhythms: Fall Edition


If you’ve stuck around this place long enough, you’ll know that Fall is my favorite season of all. I’m pretty sure I say it just about every year. But this year took me longer than I expected to get into the autumn mood. In fact, I was quite surprised when the end of summer began approaching and I started to grieve it. Y’all. This has never happened before. But then again, it is 2020…

Anyways, now that I am officially back in the fall mood, I’ve been so excited to transition into our rhythms for the season, and to add new ones.

Today, I’ll be breaking down our rhythms into these categories: daily, weekly, and seasonally.

But first, a note about family rhythms

A couple of things I love about the idea of a family rhythms are 1) it’s loose and flexible: not as rigid as a structured routine, yet not as chaotic as being completely being unintentional. And 2) it is completely customizable to the family, aka your family.

What works for my family may absolutely not work for yours - and that’s okay! Rhythms work best when they’re catered to the needs of those in your home.

I just wanted to put that little caveat out there in hopes of preventing any mama out there finding herself in the comparison trap.

Now, on to the rhythms!


Fall rhythms


Nothing much about our daily rhythm changes much during this season besides the fact that we try to spend more time at the park every evening we can. Being that Summer is blazing in Atlanta, it’s so nice when we can enjoy cooler weather at the beautiful parks in our area. Some days that looks like eating dinner at the park (quite the feat with a toddler and infant!), and other days it looks like beating the sun to the park after dinner to get Eli’s wiggles out at the playground or walking trails.


Speaking of parks, we also try to go on the weekends in the morning until lunch, because toddler energy. ‘Nuff said.

We are also back to getting pretty serious about observing the Sabbath as a personal conviction, our trust in Him, and rest for our family.


Usually this time means that we slow all the way down and clear our calendars after a busy summer. But since we’ve stayed in pretty much the whole pandemic so far, we are missing our people and want to be outside more before colder weather and flu season pick up.

This is where I love the flexibility of having rhythms - we can easily pivot to our needs. And this year, Fall looks like adding more things to the calendar in addition to our apple picking and visiting the pumpkin patch.


So there ya have it - our pretty simple Fall rhythm. And of course, no season - especially Fall - is complete without a bucket list!

So I’m curIous: whats on your bucket list this season? I’d loVe to be able to add to ours!


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