Those Were the Days

Happy Thursday, Dear Sisters!

This week has seemed to just fly on by.  Fine by me, because Toby and I will be celebrating our six year anniversary this Saturday (well, separately because we both have to work *sigh*). But I started my last semester of undergrad on Monday. As I was driving around campus, trying not to hit the many pedestrians who like to just jump out and dash across the road, I couldn't but notice so many lost-looking kids.

Is it just me, or do the freshmen seem to look younger and more obvious each year? You know what I mean: they're so easy to point out. There they are standing somewhere on campus looking at a map with big, wide eyes, a huge book bag, and the trendiest clothes they own. It's so cute, and I try my hardest not to giggle as I walk past them. Most of the time I just stop and ask if they need help, and get a sigh of relief and a "Yes!" in response. 

Though I am beyond excited to get up out of here in December, I can't help but reminisce on my early years at my school. It feels like it was just yesterday. Yet, it also feels like it was 20 years ago. Like every college experience, there were good times and bad times.

There were the times that I now wish I hadn't taken for granted like sleeping in late, not having to worry about bills, and eating towards that Freshman Fifteen goal (which was, indeed, a goal for my little body). Seriously, one of my daily hard decisions was to decide whether or not I would go to my 11 a.m. class or sleep in until I was ready to head to the campus buffet before my 5 p.m. class. Thursdays equaled the weekend, which meant parties and joyrides off campus. I never had to pay for gas, because I lived on campus. Oh, what I would do to just complain about having to walk 7-10 minutes to class each day! Hello, freshman Tiffany, guess what? Now you drive an hour to and from class four times a week! Oh, the good 'ol days!

And of course, there were the times I wish I could erase like skipping classes, crying over a guy, and not standing up for myself. I now wish I didn't know the difference between Everclear and McCormick, that I prefer tequila over vodka, and that shots were just a straight enemy of mines and mixed drinks were more like a frenemy. I probably should've stayed on campus a little longer than moving out to get my own apartment junior year. I probably should have given up on being a doctor after not succeeding on getting a C or better in Organic Chemistry three times (and can we just talk about Org Chem for a sec? It's seriously the devil!). Oh, the struggle!

But, those were the days.

Love you, sis!


Six Whole Years!


I'm Still Alive!