Galatians: Who do You Reflect?
How are ya'll doing with the Galatians study? Although I have been enjoying this book, I am finally in my favorite chapter of Galatians (chapter 5)! Paul has finished his intro and has gotten to the good stuff. He basically tells us that we have freedom in Christ (5:1-6), love fulfills the Law (5:7-16), and that we should be walking in the Holy Spirit (5:16-26).
As I wrote out the contrast of walking in the evil desires of our flesh between the fruit of the Spirit (by the way, thanks to She Reads Truth, I found out that it's fruit of the Spirit and not fruits! Haha), I found myself looking at a mirror: where do I fall on this list? Do I have more attributes of the Spirit than I do the flesh or vice versa? And can I really have both? Can I say I have self-control and love if I notice that I can also check off adultery, drunkeness, and murder off of the "flesh list"? Am I walking in joy if I am also walking in envy? And to bring it closer to home for me, can I say I have patience and peace when I choose strife with my husband in an attempt to be right and prove my point?
So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite of what the sinful nature desires. ~ Galatians 5:16-17.
So the answer is I can't be led by both the flesh and the Spirit at the same time. Therefore I am led by one or the other. The list is quick to reflect which of the two I follow each part of my day. This list is also quick to remind me that if I try to live by the fruit of the Spirit in my human efforts, I will fail. Miserably. I must be controlled and guided by the Holy Spirit. The fruit will come as evidence and by-products of me being led by Him in order to become more like Christ.